What should I think about if I have a carotid endarterectomy for stroke

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The success of therapy medication will depend on how much narrowing (stenosis) is present in the artery and treatment options. Surgical risk depends on your age, your overall health, skills and experience of the surgeon and the experience of the Medical Center where the operation was performed. Carefully consider the benefits and risks of carotid endarterectomy for stroke, and compare them with the benefits and risks of drug therapy.

Tests such as ultrasound, carotid Arteriography, carotid CT Angiography or magnetic resonance angiography is required before surgery to evaluate the amount of plaque buildup in the carotid artery and blood flow through a narrowed area. Blood vessels outside the regions solidify is also evaluated. If the vessel is damaged, surgery may not be useful. Carotid endarterectomy may be done several months after a stroke or TIA. But people benefit most from surgery if done within 2 weeks of the stroke. Delaying the operation more than two weeks increases the risk for stroke, because people are more likely to have a stroke in the first few days and weeks after the first stroke.

The benefits of the operation may be temporarily if not also cause disease or be treated. Long-term use of aspirin treatment, get regular exercise, reduce cholesterol levels, eating a low-fat diet and smoking cessation is an important aspect of treatment of post surgery. Possible complications of carotid endarterectomy vary, depending on the skill and experience of the surgeon. American Heart Association Stroke Council recommends that the operation was carried out by a surgeon who had complications in less than 8% of the surgery endarterectomy who he did and that the level of the Hospital of complications to be just low. Before the operation, a medical condition that increases the risk for stroke, such as high blood pressure or heart disease, needs to be controlled.